Why become a member of the CFSGBI…
The CFSGBI is the official professional body representing cleft and craniofacial multidisciplinary health professionals in Great Britain and Ireland. Here are a few of the many reasons to join:
Multidisciplinary health professionals from around the globe, with an interest in cleft lip and palate and/or craniofacial anomalies, are warmly encouraged to apply for CFSGBI membership.
Benefits of joining the CFSGBI
- Membership of the official professional body representing cleft and craniofacial multidisciplinary health professionals in Great Britain and Ireland.
- Access to the restricted members area on the website with updates and communication from the council and content to facilitate networking and support
- Free access to the Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal (CPCJ)
- Reduced registration rate at the CFSGBI Scientific conference
- Opportunities and reminders to apply for educational bursaries
- Opportunities to be involved in multi-centre audit and research studies run by CFSGBI members
General Membership Information
Council reserves the right to approve all applications.
Current membership fees:
£70 per annum by annual direct debit,
£75 by PayPal
£78 per annum by monthly direct debit (£6.50 per month)
£35 unwaged undergraduate students