Home Professionals Resources Clinical UK Cleft Guidance documents NHS Dashboard of Quality Indicators for Cleft Lip and Palate Services including Non-cleft Velopharyngeal Dysfucntion 2022/23 NHS Standard Contract 2013 UK Speech Standards - developed 2009 and updated March 2023 RCPCH identification of cleft palate in the new-born – best practice guide 2015 Institute of Medical Illustrators: Cleft lip and palate audit review: https://www.imi.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/2018_Sept_IMINatGuidelines_CleftLipPalate_V2-compressed.pdf Online Cleft Educational Resources CoCP Comprehensive Cleft Care Webinars - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMWn2ipQCMJZg8bU53HIG_w Smile Train resources for Medical Professionals - https://www.smiletrain.org/medical-professionals Operation Smile Academy: A global community of learning CLAPA Community on YouTube: find out what patients and familes affected by cleft are asking and saying Health ProfessionalsCleft Clinical Excellence Networks (CENs)Research Clinical Studies Group (CSG)Cleft CollectiveCLEFTEarly Career ResearchThe Scar Free FoundationCARAudit CRANEResources ClinicalUseful LinksWellbeingEquality and Diversity Cleft Service Funding EventsAspiring Cleft Professionals Cleft as a CareerTraining PathwaysTraining OpportunitiesCleft and Craniofacial Learning ResourcesOverseas and Global Care CLEFTProject HararOPSACircle of Cleft ProfessionalsTransforming FacesEuropean Cleft OrganisationGlobal Smile FoundationDeutsche CleftNoNomaMSF Noma